
Shades Thereof

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you thought the color of the sky was obvious, though if we go back in time we find that men only cared about colors associated with power—black, white, red yellow and eventually purple

the sky was only significant when enriched by the sun or made silver and prismatic by the moon and the thoughtless stars whose realm we cannot enter ……………………………………..though we try

what are the moods of the sky weary whimsical somber tall fluffy important forgiving reckless feckless flagrant ominous bright and dreamy

I’m sure there are others, too

it took us a long time to notice what was above us, aside from the objects therein: birds lightning planets rain ……………………the rest had no meaning even when we went for air it was local air. & so the sky went missing for centuries until we had to paint it as a surface separate from our bodies

what divided the land and the sky hadn’t mattered until we started to consider background the wall of our common enclosure and decided it all fell into a range of blue or gray dark blue dark gray depending on how washed out it felt against the way we saw it